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America at Risk: Closing the Security Gap

House Select Committee on Homeland Security
The House Select Committee on Homeland Security issued a Minority Staff Report on the security gaps that still exist in the wake of 9/11 and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. The report focuses on the need to close security gaps to prevent terrorist attacks, protect sea, land, and air borders, provide domestic security, and prepare the community. The report contains recommendations. It is one of six reports published by the Minority on the subject of "America at Risk."
Document Type
House Minority Staff Report
Serial Number
Document Length
156 pages
Staff Reports
PAP Major Code
16: Defense
PAP Minor Code
1615: Civil Defense and Homeland Security
Related Hearings
House Select Committee on Homeland Security and House Judiciary Committee, joint hearing on "The Terrorist Threat Integration Center and its Relationship with the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security," 108th Cong., (2003, July 22)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "Review of Homeland Security's Financial Accountability and Performance Evaluation Process to Examine Waste, Fraud, and Abuse," 108th Cong., (2003, October 8)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, hearing on "Improvements to the Department of Homeland Security Information Sharing Capabilities: Vertical and Horizonal Intelligence," 108th Cong., H.Hrg. 108-21, (2003, July 24)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "First Responders: How States, Localities and the Federal Government Can Strengthen Their Partnership to Make America Safer," 108th Cong., (2003, July 17)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "Bioshield: Countering the Bioterrorist Threat," 108th Cong., (2003, May 15)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Knives, Box Cutters, and Bleach: A Review of Passenger Screener Training, Testing, and Supervision," 108th Cong., (2003, November 20)
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, hearing on "Status of Aviation Security One Year After September 11," 107th Cong., (2002, September 10)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "How Is America Safer: A Progress Report on the Department of Homeland Security," 108th Cong., (2003, May 20)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "Identification Documents Fraud and the Implications for Homeland Security," 108th Cong., (2003, October 1)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security, and Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, Research and Development, joint hearing on "Implications of Power Blackouts for the Nation's Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection," 108th Cong., H.Hrg. 108-23, (2003, September 4 and 23)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, Research, and Development, hearing on "Industry Speaks on Cybersecurity," 108th Cong., H.Hrg. 108-16, (2003, July 15)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, Research, and Development, hearing on "Cybersecurity: Growing Risk from Growing Vulnerability," 108th Cong., (2003, June 25)
House Committee on Science, hearing on "Charter: Cybersecurity Research and Development," 108th Cong., (2003, May 14)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Assessing Barriers to Information Sharing in the Department of Homeland Security," 108th Cong., (2003, May 8)
House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Rural Enterprise, Agriculture, and Technology, hearing on "Challenges that Small Businesses Face Accessing Homeland Security Contracts," 108th Cong., (2003, October 21)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "H.R. 3266: Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act of 2003," 108th Cong., (2003, October 16)
House Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing on "Response to Terrorism: How is DHS Improving Our Capabilities," 108th Cong., (2003, June 19)
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