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The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Addressing Needs and Improving Practices

House Committee on Government Reform
Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources
The Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources of the House Committee on Government Reform investigated the implementation and operation of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 in response to complaints from families reporting vaccine injuries. The act was implemented to provide compensation to those who suffer vaccine injury, enhance the operation of the system for childhood immunizations, and protect the nation's vaccine supply by shielding manufacturers from liability. The subcommittee found that the program has provisions that substantially restrict compensation coverage and it does not operate as efficiently as originally intended. Thus, they recommended reviewing the Vaccine Injury Table (a resource that identified serious adverse events that are considered to be caused by vaccines) to ensure it reflects current scientific and epidemiological recommendations, developing and implementing speedy and fair informal dispute resolution options and practices, and determining a reasonable alternative standard for non-Table cases.
Document Type
House Committee Approved Report
Serial Number
Document Length
23 pages
Committee Approved Reports
PAP Major Code
3: Health
PAP Minor Code
331: Public Health and Disease Prevention
Related Hearings
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Vaccines\342\200\224Finding the Balance Between Public Safety and Personal Choice," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-84, (1999, August 3)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "Defense Vaccines: Force Protection or False Security?" 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-130, (1999, October 12)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on \342\200\230\342\200\230Autism\342\200\224Present Challenges, Future Needs\342\200\224Why the Increased Rates?\342\200\231\342\200\231 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-180, (2000, April 6)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on "FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development: Preserving the Integrity of the Process," 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-239, (2000, June 15)
House Committee on Government Reform, hearing on \342\200\230\342\200\230Mercury in Medicine\342\200\224Are We Taking Unnecessary Risks?\342\200\231\342\200\231 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-232, (2000, July 18)
House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, hearing on "Compensating Vaccine Injuries: Are Reforms Needed?" 106th Cong., H.Hrg. 106-136, (1999, September 28)
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